Dr. Tyler Smith and NU SHHS Publishes 4 Papers in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Conlin AS, DeScisciolo C, Sevick
CJ, Bukowinski AT, Phillips CJ, Smith TC. Birth Outcomes Among MilitaryPersonnel Following Exposure to Documented Open-Air Burn Pits Before and DuringPregnancy. J Occupat Environ Med, 2012 June; 54(6):689-697.
Jones KA, Smith
B, Granado NS, Boyko EJ, Gackstetter GD, Ryan MAK, Phillips CJ, Smith TC, for
the Millennium Cohort Study Team. Newly reported lupus and rheumatoid arthritisin relation to deployment within proximity to a documented open-air burn pit inIraq. J Occupat Environ Med, 2012 June; 54(6):698-707.
This study examined the incidence lupus and
rheumatoid arthritis in relation to Army and Air Force personnel deployed
within a 3- and 5-mile radius of documented open-air burn pits located in Iraq at
Joint Base Balad, Camp Speicher, and Camp Taji. Overall, the results indicate
no elevated risk of newly reported lupus or rheumatoid arthritis in the
combined three-camp analysis. However, possible exposure at Balad was
individually associated with newly reported lupus, although only two cases were
at this site. Additional studies, including individual exposure data, are
needed to further investigate these associations.
Smith B, Wong
CA, Boyko EJ, Phillips CJ, Gackstetter GD, Ryan MAK, Smith TC, for the
Millennium Cohort Study Team. The effects of exposure to documented open-airburn pits on respiratory health among deployers of the Millennium CohortStudy. J Occupat Environ Med, 2012 June; 54(6):708-716.
Burn pit exposure within 3 or 5 miles was not
associated with newly reported asthma, chronic bronchitis or emphysema, or
self-reported respiratory symptoms. In general, these findings do not support
an elevated risk for respiratory outcomes among personnel deployed within
proximity of documented burn pits in Iraq. Increased symptom reporting,
however, was observed among Air Force deployers located within 2 miles of Joint
Base Balad, though this finding was marginally significant with no evidence of
Powell TM, Smith
TC, Jacobson IG, Boyko EJ, Hooper TI, Gackstetter GD, Phillips CJ, Smith B, for
the Millennium Cohort Study Team. Prospective Assessment of ChronicMultisymptom Illness Reporting Possibly Associated with Open-Air Burn Pit SmokeExposure in Iraq. J Occupat Environ Med, 2012 June; 54(6):682-688.
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