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7th Summer Institute on Migration and Global Health

June 25-29, 2012
Los Angeles, California, USA

The Summer Institute on Migration and Global Health offers researchers, faculty, graduate students and professionals working with migrant communities around the world, a unique opportunity to learn different issues that affect the health of mobile populations from an international and multidisciplinary perspective.

The five-day course is taught by highly recognized international faculty and offers a combination of lectures, workshops, and field trips, exploring topics related to migration and health. This year the Summer Institute will include special workshops on data and research methodologies on migrant health, as well a dedicated day on migration and mental health.

The Summer Institute is organized by the Health Initiative of the Americas of UC Berkeley School of Public Health, in partnership with the University of California Global Health Institute through the Center of Expertise on Migration and Health, and the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this incredible professional and personal experience!

More information and registration instructions for the 7th Summer Institute on Migration and Global Health will be sent out soon. Check HIA’s website, or contact
