Yesterday, August 25, 2011, Vilayphone A. Sisouphanthong of the MPH Cohort #1 submitted the first capstone project in the program. His project entitled "Modeling of PM2.5 and Health Effects in Seven California Counties" was approved and signed by Dr. Piane. This means that Vil is our first official graduate. Vil plans to re-enlist in the US Army as an officer working in Public Health. Congratulations Vil! We are very proud of your accomplishments.
The National University Library launched a pilot project through the Center of Excellence that created an opportunity for the librarians to host student research fellows. Hi, my name is Sarah and I was hired as the first ever Student Research Fellow. It has been one of the best experiences I've ever had because I have learned so much and have been given opportunities that have provided me a competitive edge moving forward into my career path. This experience allowed me to work directly with faculty to do research and submit a manuscript for publishing. Also, I was able to apply my new research skills in all the classes I took while I was a fellow, resulting in straight A's in all of my courses. My time, here at the library, is coming to an end as I am getting ready to ship out for Army basic training but I will carry this experience with me forever. Below is a video about my experience here at the National University Library as a fellow. If you are inter...
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