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Showing posts from 2013

SHHS Professor Accepted to Stanford’s CCT Teacher Certification Program!

This fall, Dr. Ellen Kaye Gehrke was accepted into the 2014 CCT (Compassion Cultivation Training) Teacher Certification Program by the CCARE ( Center for Compassion andAltruism Research and Education ). Stanford University’s CCARE’s CCT Teacher Certification Program is a part-time training and certification program for professionals who want to teach CCARE's Compassion Cultivation Training course. Trainees who fulfill all of the program requirements, including a period of supervised teaching apply for certification to teach CCT courses in their respective communities. The CCT course is an 8-week educational program that combines traditional contemplative practices with contemporary psychology and scientific research to help participants to learn how to lead a more compassionate life. The CCT Teacher Certification Program is an opportunity for committed individuals to deepen in their own practice of compassion at the service of facilitating this process in others.   Entr...

The SHHS represented at UBTech 2013

National University and the SHHS were represented at the 2013 UBTech (formally eduComm) Higher Ed Tech Conference this again by Health Sciences Associate Professor Michael Myers .   Topics focused on disruptive technologies and digital learning.   Closing Keynote speaker Sree Sreenivasan from Columbia University took MOOCs head on in a talk that challenged all Universities to find the best educational solution for digital learners.   Click here for a copy of the address by Dr. Sreenivasan.   Follow him on twitter here . Follow Dr. Myers on twitter here for more tech and teaching stuff.

The Impact of Prior Deployment Experience on Civilian Employment After Military Service

Horton JL, Jacobson IG, Wong CA, Wells TS, Boyko EJ, Smith B, Ryan MA, and Smith TC. The Impact of Prior Deployment Experience on Civilian Employment After MilitaryService. Occupational and  Environmental Medicine . Occup Environ Med 2013 May; 70: 408-417. Employment after military service, in particular after stressful deployment experiences, is a concern for many veterans and policymakers. Among this large cohort of veterans, we found that prior deployment and PTSD were not significantly associated with job status post-service; in contrast, depression, panic/anxiety disorder, and poor physical health increased the risk of unemployment among certain groups. These findings may guide policy for veterans most in need of post-military employment support.

HIMSS Clinical Informatics Summit MeetUp at National University Friday May 3, 2013 Live Broadcast at San Diego Satellite Location

HIMSS Clinical Informatics Summit MeetUp at National University Friday May 3, 2013 Live Broadcast at San Diego Satellite Location Learn the latest from HIMSS Clinical Informatics Summit Speakers Connect with San Diego friends, colleagues, university faculty, and students Avoid Friday afternoon traffic and save time/money  Enjoy lunch and conversation Join in for all or part of the day What?   HIMSS SoCAL meeting live on a big screen at National University When? May 3rd 0800-330 How much? $15 for HIMSS members, $25 for non-members, and free for National University School of Health and Human Services faculty and students (online registration required for all) Where to sign up?  Register online by May 1 st by selecting:   Click on the Register Tab or select event from main HIMSS SoCal site at: Where to go?   National University Techno...