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Showing posts from April, 2017

NUSNA Goes Big in Texas

There is a saying that, “Everything is bigger in Texas” and that is certainly true about the reputation of the National University Student Nurses Association .  Five delegates, recently, flew to Dallas, Texas to represent NUSNA and National University at the 2017 National Student Nurses Association Convention.  Stephanie Fraenzl, NUSNA President, was approached by several convention attendees to ask about the operations and successes of the National University association.  The President of the California Student Nurses Association was even overheard directing students to our delegates saying, “Ask them how they do that, they have a great association.” Photo of delegates just before a House of Delegates meeting to vote on resolutions that bring awareness to and promote various healthcare topics.  Left to Right:  Johannah Buenafe (NUSNA Legislative Director), Cheyenne Scruggs (NUSNA Member), Kylie Clower (NUSNA Member), Maribel Koke (NUSNA Mentorship Director...