Nabaweesi R, Colombani P, Morlock L, Bowman S. Developing and Testing a New Trauma Team Activation Protocol for Use at a level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center, Presentation at the 140th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), San Francisco, California, October 2012. (Poster Presentation) Abstract retrieved from Bowman S , Sharar S. Rural Prehospital Emergency Medical Services for Children, Presentation at the 140th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), San Francisco, California, October 2012. (Oral Presentation) Abstract retrieved from Kaye Gehrke E , Evans S, Smith T. A Study to Investigate the Relationship of Perceptions of Health to Knowledge, Attitudes and Exposure to The Natural Environment, Presentation at the 140th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (APHA), San Francisco, C...