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Showing posts from March, 2012

Department of Health Sciences Publishes Online Learning Results!

Health Sciences Professor and Department Chair Patric M. Schiltz and Associate Professor Michael Myers published a study of online versus onsite learning in the teaching of statistics in this month’s issue of the Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching .   They found significant learning gains for students who learned online using ClassLive Pro.   Read all about it here: Myers, M.P. and Schiltz, P.M. (2012). Use of Elluminate in Online Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching . Vol 5. P. 53-62.

National University Fresno Open House

On Saturday, March 24th, National University Fresno held an Open House for members of the community. Approximately 110 people were in attendance for the presentation about the University. Following the general NU overview, people moved to break-out sessions for school presentations. There were 70 prospective students in attendance at the SHHS break out session. After the presentation, 40 students stayed to speak with the nursing faculty and staff about the nursing programs. Most were interested in the BSN program but several were very enthusiastic about the Nurse Anesthesia program as well. The faculty and staff provided a guided tour of the Simulation and Skills Lab and spent time with prospective students and their families. This was a successful event and was an excellent opportunity to showcase SHHS!